2010年2月12日 星期五

I LOVE YOU Philip Morris

Watched this crazy movie yesterday.

Donno what to say.

Not to sure how to categorize this movie.

Romance? Comedy? Suspense? Drama?

It is them all, yet not quite so.

The movie has a lot of dicks, many referrings to sucking the dicks, calling people faggots a lot.

I love the humour in it. And I am made uncomfortable by the performance of affection shown in the movie.

It is just TOOO GAY!

With Ewan McGregor and Jim Carrey, it is tooooo GAY.

I like it when Jim Carrey says "I am gonna live my life! I am a faggot! I am gonna be a fucking faggot!"

I like how candor this movie goes sexually.

It is just way tooo funny and way toooo gay.

